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  • SSL Offloading using Ansible

    • Validation Status: Work In Progress
      Summary: SSL Offloading using Ansible
      Has Video?: No

    NetScaler can be configured for SSL offloading with end-to-end encryption, in which the NetScaler will re-encrypt the clear text data and use secure SSL sessions to communicate with the back-end web servers.


    Configure the back-end SSL transactions so that  the appliance uses SSL session multiplexing to reuse existing SSL sessions with the back-end web servers. It helps in avoiding CPU-intensive key exchange (full handshake) operations and also reduces the overall number of SSL sessions on the server. As a result, it accelerates the SSL transaction while maintaining end-to-end security.

    Following are the steps to configure an end-to-end encryption deployment :

    • Create SSL services
    • Create an SSL virtual server
    • Add a certificate-key pair
    • Bind the certificate-key pair to the SSL virtual server
    • Bind the services to the SSL virtual server
    NetScaler comes with prebuilt SSL profile that can helps you to achieve A+ SSL configurations.

    Above procedural steps can be reduced to a single declarative file containing the desired state of NetScaler. Below is an Ansible playbook in yaml format that can configure end to end SSL offloading.

    ---- hosts: citrix_adc  vars:    max_clients: 5  remote_user: root  gather_facts: False  collections:    - citrix.adc  tasks:    - name: SSL Service 1      delegate_to: localhost      citrix_adc_service:        nsip: "{{ nsip }}"        nitro_user: "{{ nitro_user }}"        nitro_pass: "{{ nitro_pass }}"        validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}"        state: "{{ state }}"        name: "{{ service1_name }}"        servicetype: "{{ service1_servicetype }}"        ipaddress: "{{ service1_ip }}"        port: "{{ service1_port }}"    - name: SSL Service 2      delegate_to: localhost      citrix_adc_service:        nsip: "{{ nsip }}"        nitro_user: "{{ nitro_user }}"        nitro_pass: "{{ nitro_pass }}"        validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}"        state: "{{ state }}"        name: "{{ service2_name }}"        servicetype: "{{ service2_servicetype }}"        ipaddress: "{{ service2_ip }}"        port: "{{ service2_port }}"    - name: Enable Default Profile in SSLParameter      delegate_to: localhost      citrix_adc_nitro_resource:        nsip: "{{ nsip }}"        nitro_user: "{{ nitro_user }}"        nitro_pass: "{{ nitro_pass }}"        validate_certs: no        state: "{{ state }}"        workflow:          lifecycle: parameter_object          endpoint: sslparameter        resource:          defaultprofile: ENABLED    - name: Upload SSL Cert to ADC      delegate_to: localhost      citrix_adc_system_file:        nitro_user: "{{ nitro_user }}"        nitro_pass: "{{ nitro_pass }}"        nsip: "{{ nsip }}"        validate_certs: no        state: "{{ state }}"        filename: sslcert.pem        filelocation: /var/tmp        filecontent: "{{ lookup('file', ssl_certificate_path) }}"    - name: Upload SSL Key to ADC      delegate_to: localhost      citrix_adc_system_file:        nitro_user: "{{ nitro_user }}"        nitro_pass: "{{ nitro_pass }}"        nsip: "{{ nsip }}"        validate_certs: no        state: "{{ state }}"        filename: sslkey.ky        filelocation: /var/tmp        filecontent: "{{ lookup('file', ssl_key_path) }}"    - name: Upload CA Cert to ADC      delegate_to: localhost      citrix_adc_system_file:        nitro_user: "{{ nitro_user }}"        nitro_pass: "{{ nitro_pass }}"        nsip: "{{ nsip }}"        validate_certs: no        state: "{{ state }}"        filename: cacert.crt        filelocation: /var/tmp        filecontent: "{{ lookup('file',  ssl_cacert_path ) }}"    - name: Add CA Cert to ADC      when: state == 'present'      delegate_to: localhost      citrix_adc_ssl_certkey:        nsip: "{{ nsip }}"        nitro_user: "{{ nitro_user }}"        nitro_pass: "{{ nitro_pass }}"        validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}"        state: "{{ state }}"        certkey: "{{ ssl_cacert_name }}"        cert: /var/tmp/cacert.crt    - name: Configure SSL Certkey and linking it to CA cert      when: state == 'present'      delegate_to: localhost      citrix_adc_ssl_certkey:        nsip: "{{ nsip }}"        nitro_user: "{{ nitro_user }}"        nitro_pass: "{{ nitro_pass }}"        validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}"        state: "{{ state }}"        certkey: "{{ ssl_certkey_name }}"        cert: /var/tmp/sslcert.pem        key: /var/tmp/sslkey.ky    - name: SSL V Server      delegate_to: localhost      citrix_adc_lb_vserver:        nsip: "{{ nsip }}"        nitro_user: "{{ nitro_user }}"        nitro_pass: "{{ nitro_pass }}"        validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}"        state: "{{ state }}"        name: "{{ production_lb_name }}"        servicetype: SSL        ipv46: "{{ production_lb_ip }}"        port: 443        ssl_certkey: "{{ ssl_certkey_name }}"        servicebindings:          - servicename: "{{ service1_name }}"            weight: 1          - servicename: "{{ service2_name }}"            weight: 1        disabled: no    - name: Bind ssl profile to ssl vserver      delegate_to: localhost      citrix_adc_nitro_resource:        nsip: "{{ nsip }}"        nitro_user: "{{ nitro_user }}"        nitro_pass: "{{ nitro_pass }}"        validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}"        state: "{{ state }}"        workflow:          lifecycle: object          endpoint: sslvserver          primary_id_attribute: vservername          resource_missing_errorcode: 461          allow_recreate: true          non_updateable_attributes: []        resource:          vservername: "{{ production_lb_name }}"          sslprofile: ns_default_ssl_profile_secure_frontend    - name: Link SSL Cert with CA cert      delegate_to: localhost      register: result      citrix_adc_nitro_request:        nsip: "{{ nsip }}"        nitro_user: "{{ nitro_user }}"        nitro_pass: "{{ nitro_pass }}"        validate_certs: no        expected_nitro_errorcode: [0, 273]        operation: action        action: link        resource: sslcertkey        attributes:          certkey: "{{ ssl_certkey_name }}"          linkcertkeyname: "{{ ssl_cacert_name }}"

    Above playbook can also be downloaded from our Ansible GitHub repo here .

    You just need to fill in the variables in the inventory.txt and example_varfile.yaml. Post that run the following ansible command to appy the configurations to your target NetScaler:

    ansible-playbook -i inventory.txt ssl-aplus.yaml --extra-vars="@example_varfile.yaml"

    Post configuration, you can send HTTPS request at VIP to validate SSL traffic. Additionally, you provide the domain name in Qualys and ensure that your backend servers are A+ certified.  

    Learn more above SSL offloading capabilities in NetScaler here.

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