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  • What is App Modernisation?

    Mayur Patil
    • Validation Status: Work In Progress
      Summary: This guide will given you overview of what is app modernisation and why is required in today's world. We will also see different patterns, technologies involved in app modernising journey.
      Has Video?: No

    What is Application Modernisation?

    Application Modernisation is a process of updating existing legacy applications using newer computing approaches, including newer languages, frameworks and infrastructure platforms. You would see the trend in the market where discussions are happening around migrating monolithic on premise application to cloud architecture or microservices.

    Application Modernisation allows enterprises to innovate the new features and functionalities of product with velocity.


    Why modernise legacy applications?

    A good application modernisation strategy enables organisation to reduce the resources required to run an application, increase reliability of deployments, and improve uptime and resiliency. Legacy applications are costly upgrade operations and have scaling issues on other hand modern applications are loosely coupled, easy to upgrade and scalable.

    Deep dive into Application modernisation patterns...

    • Lift and Shift - simplest, fastest time to market approach where application is moved as is from legacy form factor (monolithic) to new form factor (cloud native)
    • Refactoring - complex but robust approach where legacy applications are broken down into multiple chunks and re-written in new environment. Microservice architecture is best choice for organisations while thinking of refactoring the applications.
    • Replatforming - It is simpler than refactoring but complex than lift and shift approach. Organisations takes advantage of modern cloud architecture for legacy applications and move towards adopting refactoring in longer run.


    Key technologies for application modernisation

    • Private, hybrid, and multi-cloud - This is also called as cloud computing where organisations decides to move from on-premises to cloud (public, private or hybrid) depending on business need.
    • Containers and Kubernetes - This is the trend becoming more popular in market where organisations are adopting microservice based architectures.
    • Automation & Orchestrations - For addressing large scale deployments, organisations are thinking in direction of automating the processes, application deployments and adopting Orchestration platform giving ability to manage and control resources from one place. 

    Application Modernisation and NetScalerNetScaler App modernisation stack enables each and every enterprise customers to adopt modern architecture seamlessly. NetScaler proxy capabilities allows organisations to address traffic management use cases with end to end visibility into user traffic. Refer NetScaler App modernisation stack and know its capabilities today!


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